Sparrow, unlike other birds, is a well-known common house bird species which prefers life very close to human settlements. Perhaps, that’s the reason why they have been tagged as the true companion of humans forever.

Rescuing a Richly Poor Soul

Upon reaching the terrace we figured out that a laughing dove’s nest that was built high up, had overturned and only one of its residents was alive.

​Lost home but hope remained!

One day, we were flying across the buildings, I felt something very sleek around my neck and across my wings. It felt like thread and I could feel the pain while I crashed to the ground. While my eyes struggled sight, I could see people running towards me and I was really afraid of them…

Flight of a Kite or Fall of a bird?

  “I never can do it,” the little kite said. As it looked at the others flutter overhead. “I know I would fall even if I tried to fly” “Try,” said the big kite, “Give it a try! Or I fear you will never be able to learn at all” But the little one said,…

My Lost Wing

Ever since I have lost my wing, I came to know the significance of sun rays in my life. It hits me up every morning and somehow, lights my dark. So, I wake up every day with a hope that I can fly. I feel like I have just returned from world tour flying and…

Save thy birds, save thy beauty!

From six to sixty,

Not being able to save a life made me an Avian vet.

Today with all the knowledge, cured birds free into the sky I set.

Save thy birds, save thy beauty!

A bird’s unanswered question! 

When you wake up in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush. The people below would stand and stare, Wishing they were me, flying high up in the air. This gave me hope that they would help and try, But oh! Pity that they left me to cry. I realized that people’s stare,…

The Incomplete Journey…

“It’s time, it’s time. As soon as the first ray of sunlight will kiss the grass, they will be here.”, Arjun was very excited. Every morning he used to eagerly wait for sparrows to arrive in a garden nearby his home. He enjoyed watching them play, forage and that would make his day. This had…

खेल पतंगों का…..

बड़ा ही शुभ दिन था आया, चारो ओर रंग खुशियों का था छाया। मकर संक्रांति के त्यौहार पे, सब थे मगन पतंगों में। सुबह सुबह सुन बच्चों की पुकार, एक चिड़िया निकली ढूंढ़ने दाना। मगर न था पता उसे, नभ में था फैला पतंगों का जाला! लेकर दाना थी वो उड़ने को तयार तभी कुछ…

तो अपूर्ण प्रवास……

इच्छा होती जगावं आणखी,

जावं सह्याद्रीच्या सरोवरी।

पण शक्य नाही ते आता,

कारण प्रवास हा माझ्या शेवटच्या श्वासांचा।

Regret as it won’t degrade!

The bird bawled,

For it was a part of it.

The wing chopped down,

The feathered creature,

Crashed to the ground.

Would “sorry” have made any difference then?

Regret as it won’t degrade!

त्यौहारो का बदलता रूप

हर नये साल की शुरुवात होती हैं संक्रांति से,

समय के साथ इस त्यौहार में हुए परिवर्तन कुछ अनोखे से।

एक हाथ मे तिल गुड़ और दूजे में नायलॉन मांझा लिए,

करते हैं इस शुभ दिन की शुरुवात “ओ काट…” की वाणी से।